“If I could just get my career sorted, I’d be living my dream life now.” 

Work as we know it has changed beyond all recognition.  In this ever changing marketplace, it can be tough, whether you’re an organisation trying to find the skills you need in the job market or an individual looking to grow your career.

I can help with both.

Hi, I am Caroline Green, founder of The Talent Cycle and Career Development Expert.  A registered Career Development Professional (RCDP), with 18 years’ experience in the Careers and Learning and Development sectors.

I help brilliantly talented people like YOU to work out, get into and thrive in your dream career.

How I can help you

I can help with both.

Hi, I am Caroline Green, founder of The Talent Cycle and Career Development Expert.  A registered Career Development Professional (RCDP), with 18 years’ experience in the Careers and Learning and Development sectors.

I help brilliantly talented people like YOU to work out, get into and thrive in your dream career.

How I can help you

Support I offer and the benefits of working with me


18th October 2024 – 9am – 4.30pm GMT (online)

The modern workforce is much changed and critical to the success of individuals, employers and the whole economy are Careers Professionals.  We need to be loud and proud, to value ourselves and the work we do, so others will follow suit.  This celebration festival does just that, helping Careers Professionals with a chance to network, share best practice and learn how we keep growing as a sector.

Find out more

Support for Individual Clients:

Students (School,FE,HE)  & Career Professionals

Figuring out and then getting into your dream career, can feel…overwhelming.  Getting your first ‘foot in the door’ when you have no experience; impossible.  Feeling like all your friends have it figured out when you don’t; demoralising.  But don’t panic, I can support you with a solid career plan to achieve great things.

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Graduates and

Young Professionals

You were led to believe that a degree would open doors.  But right now, they’re all being slammed shut in your face.  Rejected after multiple applications due to lack of experience or struggling to make an impact and be heard in your first role.  Don’t worry, I can help.

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You didn’t realise your career would be so hard.  Feeling like an imposter, management challenges, redundancy, or confusion over how to grow and develop your career.  Or struggling that the career that worked for 20 year old you, doesn’t now and you’re not sure how to sell your experience in a new career.  I can help you navigate all of these challenges.

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Helping the Careers Sector

As a Careers Sector Evangelist, I am passionate about the work that we do and why it matters so much.  There is a worrying trend for lots of people leaving the sector, either due to poor pay and conditions or retirement.  And there is no real new talent pipeline in view.  So things need to change!  I’ve made it my personal mission to support the sector in a variety of ways.

Although it might sound like it is all ‘doom and gloom’, the truth is that this is a brilliant sector to work in.  You can do work that makes a real difference, see the impact you’re having, support individual clients and the wider economy.  You’ll also be part of a brilliant community of professionals but navigating your way around the sector in the early days, or finding new associates or members of staff can be tricky if you’re an employer.  I can help with both.

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Helping Organisations

The pandemic has changed the way we work but what still remains true is that an organisation is only ever as good as its people.  But recruiting, retaining and training your talented employees or Associates, can feel easier said than done, especially when time and budgets are tight.  And you know that staff leave bad managers and organisations that don’t develop them, but what can you do?

Like you, I run a small company with big ideas.  And the good news is this means I can work with you to create a tailored development programme that meets your requirements for cost, time and objectives and helps you achieve your big ideas.

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Helping the Careers Sector

As a Careers Sector Evangelist, I am passionate about the work that we do and why it matters so much.  There is a worrying trend for lots of people leaving the sector, either due to poor pay and conditions or retirement.  And there is no real new talent pipeline in view.  So things need to change!  I’ve made it my personal mission to support the sector in a variety of ways.

Although it might sound like it is all ‘doom and gloom’, the truth is that this is a brilliant sector to work in.  You can do work that makes a real difference, see the impact you’re having, support individual clients and the wider economy.  You’ll also be part of a brilliant community of professionals but navigating your way around the sector in the early days, or finding new associates or members of staff can be tricky if you’re an employer.  I can help with both.

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Other support for Organisations with talent pipelines

The pandemic has changed the way we work but what still remains true is that an organisation is only ever as good as its people.  But recruiting, retaining and training your talented employees or Associates, can feel easier said than done, especially when time and budgets are tight.

Like you, I run a small company with big ideas.  And the good news is this means I can work with you to create a tailored development programme that meets your requirements for cost, time and objectives and helps you achieve your big ideas.

Learn more

Developing talent. Developing careers.

Want to develop and retain great talent but not sure how?  Maybe you’re that amazing talent but you’re just starting out in your career, or heading back after a break and are feeling anything but amazing.  Don’t just sign up to the latest shiny training course, not really knowing if it will help you or your employees.  With our flagship programme, we help you to work out where you are now, where you want to be, and how to get there.

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Years I’ve spent working in careers and learning and development
Average mins of a coaching session to change your life
Average months to get a graduate job without support
% of clients who say they’d recommend me

Caroline has shown me some practical tools which have helped me recognise the value in my skills and identify what I am good at, whilst allowing me to focus on other areas which I need to strengthen.


What I found particularly useful about working with Caroline was straightforward info on the topic and understanding of where I want to be, taking into account my current experience.


Caroline has been incredibly patient, understanding and non-judgemental. Her thoughtful questioning has made me think about some of the limiting beliefs I have been carrying about myself – beliefs which have been affecting my ability to move forward positively.


Working through my MBTI profile with Caroline meant that it moved from simply being a ‘label’ to being something that helped me to understand my working style and preferences. This greater depth of understanding is interesting and handy to apply in day-to-day situations, not just as personal development. Caroline is personable and made the whole process a pleasant experience, as well as a useful one.


Caroline has helped me to challenge myself to think in a different way and develop strategies to gain confidence in my new role. I’ve come away from my sessions with Caroline with a renewed sense of motivation and clarity on how I can move forward. I’ve noticed in the past few weeks that I’ve been actively using some of the approaches we identified in the session and I am seeing a difference.


Caroline has shown me some practical tools which have helped me recognise the value in my skills and identify what I am good at, whilst allowing me to focus on other areas which I need to strengthen.


Caroline helped me enormously with Management skills and how to be a better Manager, her dedication to developing people and talent is second to none. I really enjoyed working with Caroline and can heartily recommend her for your Management Training needs!


Caroline put me at ease straight away and created a relaxed atmosphere which can be very tricky on zoom! The workbook is an excellent resource and that alone is worth the fee. I’ve got lots to work on but feel like it’s helped me to focus my career development journey and think more confidently about myself and what I have to offer. Thank you!


Can’t get enough of hearing from our amazing clients (I know, we love it too!)? Or looking for further inspiration of how we can work together? Then check out more testimonials and case studies of clients The Talent Cycle has supported here:

Case Studies and Testimonials

What now?

I was at my sister’s when I came out with the now legendary phrase ‘a nice cup of tea would be nice’.  A cuppa over a nice chat is one of my favourite things to do, especially when it involves my two passions in life; connecting with people and chatting about careers.  I offer a completely free 30 min career review, where I can start to guide you and also discuss which of my services would suit you, or your organisation, best.

Book Your Free Career Review

What now?

I was at my sister’s when I came out with the now legendary phrase ‘a nice cup of tea would be nice’.  A cuppa over a nice chat is one of my favourite things to do, especially when it involves my two passions in life; connecting with people and chatting about careers.  I offer a completely free 30 min career review, where I can start to guide you and also discuss which of my services would suit you, or your organisation, best.

Book Your Free Career Review

Because you didn’t come this far…

to only come this far

Because you didn’t come this far…

to only come this far

Because you didn’t come this far…

to only come this far